CIM & Teaser iGaming Services

At, we specialize in crafting compelling Confidential Information Memorandums (CIMs) and Teaser Profiles tailored specifically for the iGaming industry. These documents are essential tools in the M&A process, designed to attract and inform potential buyers or investors by presenting your business in the most favorable light. Our team of experts ensures that these documents are comprehensive, accurate, and strategically aligned with your goals.

Our Approach:

  • Initial Consultation and Data Gathering:

    • Consultation: We begin with an in-depth consultation to understand your business, strategic objectives, and the key information to highlight in the CIM and Teaser Profile.
    • Data Collection: We work closely with your team to gather all necessary data, including financial statements, operational metrics, market data, regulatory compliance information, and strategic plans.
  • Creating the Teaser Profile:

    • Purpose: The Teaser Profile is a high-level document designed to generate initial interest without revealing sensitive details. It serves as an introduction to your company and the opportunity you are presenting.
    • Content:
      • Company Overview: Brief description of your business, including history, core operations, and market position.
      • Key Highlights: Summary of financial performance, growth opportunities, and unique selling points.
      • Market Opportunity: Overview of the iGaming market and your company’s strategic advantages.
      • Contact Information: Details on how interested parties can obtain more information.
    • Design and Presentation: We ensure the Teaser Profile is visually appealing and professionally designed to capture the attention of potential buyers or investors.
  • Creating the Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM):

    • Purpose: The CIM is a detailed document that provides in-depth information about your company. It is shared with serious buyers or investors under a confidentiality agreement.
    • Content:
      • Executive Summary: Comprehensive overview of your company, strategic vision, and the transaction opportunity.
      • Company Description: Detailed history, mission, values, and organizational structure.
      • Market Analysis: In-depth analysis of the iGaming market, including trends, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment.
      • Products and Services: Detailed description of your product offerings, technology, and customer base.
      • Financial Information: Historical financial performance, projections, and key financial metrics.
      • Management Team: Profiles of key executives and their roles in the company.
      • Growth Strategy: Outline of strategic initiatives, expansion plans, and potential synergies for the buyer.
      • Risk Factors: Identification and analysis of potential risks and mitigation strategies.
    • Design and Presentation: The CIM is professionally formatted and designed to ensure clarity, readability, and impact.
  • Review and Finalization:

    • Client Review: We provide drafts of the Teaser Profile and CIM for your review and feedback.
    • Revisions: We incorporate your feedback and make necessary revisions to ensure accuracy and alignment with your strategic objectives.
    • Final Delivery: The finalized documents are delivered in both digital and print-ready formats.


Teaser Profile Creation

Starting from: €199

Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)

Starting from: €350

Why Choose

  • iGaming Industry Expertise: Our team has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the iGaming sector, ensuring that your CIM and Teaser Profile are relevant and compelling.
  • Tailored Approach: We customize our services to meet your specific needs and highlight your company’s unique strengths.
  • Professional Quality: Our documents are professionally designed and meticulously crafted to present your business in the best possible light.
  • Confidentiality: We prioritize the confidentiality and security of your information throughout the entire process.

At, we are dedicated to helping iGaming companies successfully navigate the M&A landscape. Our CIM and Teaser Profile services are designed to maximize interest and value, positioning your business for a successful transaction. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in presenting your business to potential buyers or investors.